Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Why do I make bets?

Anyone who knows me, knows I love a good bet. But-the best part is that I am AWFUL at winning any bet I make.

Example A: Brooke ( my-coworker) and I had a bet that we couldn't drink soda at work. If we broke it then we had to pay the other one fifteen dollars. So.... today was the day. It was a truce! Not to say that I tried to get Brooke to break it about 10 times in the last 14 days. But see how happy we are? This is the best day ever! Why do I do it!?

Here are a few of the historical bets I have made and failed at:

1. Barb and I had a bet on going to the gym. I was cursing myself about 2 weeks into it, but what came along to get me out of it!? The GOUT! HA! Barb was willing to let me off of the bet because I couldn't even fit my foot into a shoe. But- I have been Gout free for 4 years now! ( WATCH FOR GOUT FREE PARTY DETAILS SOON!!!!)

2. I think I have had about a million soda bets. I have yet to win one. One time I even had a guy friend RAT me out by calling Barb as soon as he saw me sneak some. Oops! I even had to buy Barb a John Deere sweatshirt ( Yes, I couldn't afford to eat for week!) because of what I do to myself.
Have I learned my lesson? Probably not. Do I love to bet? Yes! I think it is the fun of having competition. I don't even know if I even care to win. Hey, it's not about who wins- it is how you play the game :)


Julia M. said...

I think I have some bets in my old journals that we made . . . You better be prepared to start paying up soon! :)

Adam Phelps said...

I got a bet I'd like to make with you... Because I know I'm going to win...

Hit me up on my private line. It's to dirty to post on here.


Cassie said...

Um, first off- Barb WANTED a John Deere sweatshirt? That must be a Logan thing. ;). I was wondering when Gout free party was coming up!! I'm looking forward to it!

*Brittany* said...

Tricia, You are so funny!! Reading your blog is better than working ANY DAY!!

McKenzie said...

A little healthy competition never hurt anyone. Keep it up, someday you are bound to win a bet :)

Blass Family said...

Just dont go to Vegas any time soon I would hate to see you loose there! LOL

Jordan said...

Haha! I remember you told us in China to tell you to stop drinking the pop and you didn't! so funny. I love it!