Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Curling- it's actually hard. Believe it.

Ok, remember watching the Olympics? Remember watching the funny plaid pant men that sweep ice and supposedly it was supposed to be hard? It was called Curling? Ya....

Well that was my thought a couple weeks ago to- until I was the one tryin' to do it! My company had a fun team building activity where about 30 of us got to learn how to do curling. It was absolutely hilarious... and hard! I totally take back all the thoughts I had about the "woosey" curlers in the Olympics. It was awesome! So here are some sweet pics from the event. I will display them in the form of my Olympic debut...

1. The first step is to learn how to launch... basically do a sliding lunge on the ice. Here is my co worker Travis on his first attempt. I would like you to notice everyone's concern for Travis as he slips and falls (which everyone did!) on the ice. "Ouch Travis- we hope the best for your health" is the look on everyone's face.

2. Now it's Tricia's turn. Here I go... look at that form! (OK, I look totally wrong, but I tried!)

3. Oh no! I slip and fall. But I make a strong recovery. So remember the concern shown for Travis as he falls?! I would like you to observe my co-workers faces as I eat the dust. HA HA HA HA! THanks guys. Glad you care about my broken coxic.

4. After the launching comes the sweeping. I tore it up... it was so hard and fun! I was a sweaty beast in about 2.5 seconds.

5. After three solid games, my team lost 2-1. Mercy! But we tried. Here is the team after our curling adventure... still holding our heads high. Go team go!

Needless to say, it was a BLAST! I would love to do it again, and next olympics there will be a little more appreciation towards my curling buddies.


Joshua Rowley said...

Your fall looked awesome!

Danielle Merket said...

This is perfect, now after you get all of your cats, you can start wearing polo shirts and ill-fitted khakies and join a curling team!!!