Wednesday, May 20, 2009

4 things that pumped me up

Hey there!
So sometimes good things come in three's, or four's! I feel like I have had nothing good to really post the last little bit, but today I am happy these four things:

1. Shawn Johnson won Dancing With the Stars! I love this show, and I get so emotionally attached. When Shaun won, I couldn't help but cry just a little bit. Ha ha. I know- lame- but I love it!

2. The last song that Shawn danced to last night was "P.Y.T" by Michael Jackson. I love this song!Man, it makes me miss the days of my good ol' Michael Jackson flag that I used to have at college. It totally inspired me, and this morning I busted out the "Off the Wall" Michael Jackson CD. What a good way to start the day!

3. Don't you love it when it rains? I love the smell of wet cement. That is exactly what was going on this morning outside. Love it!

4. This is why reading customer reviews are SO important. The following is product review for the Three Wolf Moon T-shirt, which comes in Various sizes:

Most Helpful Customer Reviews

3,616 of 3,643 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Dual Function Design, November 10, 2008
By B. Govern "Bee-Dot-Govern" (New Jersey, USA) - See all my reviews

This item has wolves on it which makes it intrinsically sweet and worth 5 stars by itself, but once I tried it on, that's when the magic happened. After checking to ensure that the shirt would properly cover my girth, I walked from my trailer to Wal-mart with the shirt on and was immediately approached by women. The women knew from the wolves on my shirt that I, like a wolf, am a mysterious loner who knows how to 'howl at the moon' from time to time (if you catch my drift!). The women that approached me wanted to know if I would be their boyfriend and/or give them money for something they called mehth. I told them no, because they didn't have enough teeth, and frankly a man with a wolf-shirt shouldn't settle for the first thing that comes to him.

I arrived at Wal-mart, mounted my courtesy-scooter (walking is such a drag!) sitting side saddle so that my wolves would show. While I was browsing tube socks, I could hear aroused asthmatic breathing behind me. I turned around to see a slightly sweaty dream in sweatpants and flip-flops standing there. She told me she liked the wolves on my shirt, I told her I wanted to howl at her moon. She offered me a swig from her mountain dew, and I drove my scooter, with her shuffling along side out the door and into the rest of our lives. Thank you wolf shirt.

Pros: Fits my girthy frame, has wolves on it, attracts women
Cons: Only 3 wolves (could probably use a few more on the 'guns'), cannot see wolves when sitting with arms crossed, wolves would have been better if they glowed in the dark.

THANKS B. Govern!


*Brittany* said...

That is the funniest thing I've read all week! I seriously need to get me a wolf shirt! I could probably use a bear shirt too.

Cory&SadieK said...

What you loved Shaun!! Yikes-Yikes-Yikes. She is only like the most boring person I've ever heard talk in my life and she was terrible at reading scripted lines. She is weak sauce-Gilles seriously danced circles around her-now Tricia with moves like you've got I can't believe you are jaded by shaun.......

Barbara Knaub said...

See some people fall in love with girls who wear sweatpants to walmart. Nothing to worry about. Life is not over. But I think the key was that she was a little sweaty while wearing her sweatpants. Maybe you should try that. :)